
Welcome! This is a work in progress. This site has been dormant since 2009, and is now being revived. Please keep checking back to see what is new. Thank you. ~ Kathy M. ~ July 10, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Getting Started:

State Licensing Requirements:

Different states have different rules regarding childcare.  I am going to concentrate on how to begin a childcare business in the State of Oregon on this website.  If you live in another state, this should still give you a good idea of what you need to do.

* Registered Family Child Care Homes (For three children or less.)

Here is the link for the State of Oregon Childcare Division: State of Oregon Office of Childcare.  The following link gives you the ins-and-outs of Oregon childcare options: just click here for statues, laws and licensing requirements.

You will need to do these things:

- Attend the orientation course provided by the state.

- Attend the short Child Abuse and Neglect course offered by the state.

 - Get a criminal background check.  If you are working from home, everybody living in your household over the age of 16 will also need to have a background check.  Volunteers at your center will also need to have background checks.

 - Get your food handlers card.  You can do this online, and it only costs $10.00.  Click here to get your food handlers card online (Oregon).

 - Take an infant and child CPR course. 

 - Get insurance for your business.  Check with your agent to see if your homeowners or renters insurance covers you for the liability of caring for other people's children.

 - Register with the USDA Food Program, if you choose to.  You can get reimbursed for feeding the kids in your center.  Click here to find out how.

Equipment and Materials

Running Your Business 

How much should you charge? This might help you out: 


Social Media

Parent Handbooks

Being a Professional/Continuing Education:

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