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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Creating Your Inside Enviornment: Activity Areas

These are the two classrooms that I had at New Generations Child Development Center in Sunriver, Oregon.  At first I taught the 2's/3's class, "The Rabbits", and then I taught the preschoolers, "The Mustangs".  

Welcome to The Rabbits Room (2's/3's):

The Rabbits Room Art and Writing Area:

The Rabbits Room Block and Manipulative Area:

The Rabbits Room Circle Area and the workbench in the Block Area:

The Rabbits Room Circle Area on the left and Discovery Center on the right:

The Rabbits Room Block Area and Manipulatives:

The Rabbits Room Large Group Area: 

 The Rabbits Room Dramatic Play:

The Rabbits Room Reading and Quiet Areas:

The Rabbit's Room Music and Dance:

The Rabbits Room Science/Discovery Area:


The Rabbits Room Water and Sand Table:

Sensory Area (when not in use, the sensory table is under the cubbies). 

The Rabbit's Room Dining:

Rabbits Room Handwashing/Diaper Changing Area:


Welcome to The Mustangs Preschool Room (3's/4's/5's):

The Mustangs Room Large Group Area: 

The Mustangs Room Quiet Area:

The Mustangs Room Dramatic Play and Blocks:

The Mustangs Room Dining, Art, Writing Area:

The Mustang's Room Sensory/Science and Discovery and Manipulatives:

The Mustangs Room before the loft came down:

Science and Discovery

Sensory Area

Art and Playdough Area

Art Area
Dramatic Play, Puzzle Area and Large Group/Circle Area in background.

Dramatic Play Block Area and Loft/Quiet Area

Block Area
Block Area

Block Area

Reading Nook in Loft

Quiet Area in Loft with Stuffed Animals

Handwashing Sink, Clothseline for Art and Tables for Eating, Art and Writing

Large Group/Circle Time and Music Area

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