
Welcome! This is a work in progress. This site has been dormant since 2009, and is now being revived. Please keep checking back to see what is new. Thank you. ~ Kathy M. ~ July 10, 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Curriculum - Activity Centers and Free Choice

Dramatic Play and Housekeeping

Dramatic Play and 2-year-olds:
  • Imitates roles of family members to underscore the importance of these relationships (e.g., gently tucks baby doll in crib and says "Night. Night.").
  • Uses dramatic play actions to express and regulate feelings (e.g., rocks in a chair and hugs a doll to comfort self after mother leaves).
  • Extends doll play with props representative of daily life (e.g., puts doll in high chair and feeds her with a spoon).    From PBS Parents Child Development Tracker




Sensory Play

Science and Discovery


Quiet Areas

Large Group Area

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