
Welcome! This is a work in progress. This site has been dormant since 2009, and is now being revived. Please keep checking back to see what is new. Thank you. ~ Kathy M. ~ July 10, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You can click to enlarge any picture and to see the whole thing.  For some reason, many are only showing up partially on this screen.

4th Grade with Mr. Evans

First Grade with Mr. Sanders

The spring house up the hill behind the back yard.

Ollie with Siskal and Ebert

Nigel and Siskal and Ebert when they were young and cute.

Dang goat, get out of my birdseed!

Raymond walking back from the bus stop

Zach, Wade, Ryan, Kory, Nigel, Dexter, Ethan, David

? ? Nigel, Wade

Ethan, Dexter, Ryan, Wade, David and Ethan

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