
Welcome! This is a work in progress. This site has been dormant since 2009, and is now being revived. Please keep checking back to see what is new. Thank you. ~ Kathy M. ~ July 10, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2009


DJ, Jordon, Shelby and Sami Jo


Kenny, Nigel and Darrin


Molly, Joey, Drew and Bella

Dexter, Ryan, Zach and Nigel

Brittany, Shelby, Jordan, ? Jazlin and Sami Jo

Brittany, Chelsey and Shelby

Ashley, Sami Jo and Scott

Shelby and Kari

Joey, Karen and Ben
Princess Brittany

Playing soccer on the baseball field.



Red Blotzer, Bella, Joey, Drew and Kathy

Darrin and his salamander.


Bella, Jordan, Joey

Sonya and Joey

Catching the snakes! Nigel, Brandon's sister, Zach's brother, Zach and Coran

Darrin, Jimmy and Kelly

Jazlin, Bella, Joey

Jessica and Coran

Joey and Greg

Sami Jo and Brittany holding the bunny.

Ali and Joey

Sami Jo and Brittany

Ali, Patti and Sonya

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