
Welcome! This is a work in progress. This site has been dormant since 2009, and is now being revived. Please keep checking back to see what is new. Thank you. ~ Kathy M. ~ July 10, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Darrin, Joey and Kenny

Nigel, Kyle, DJ and Chelsey

La Chance, Chelsey, Dalton, DJ, Nigel and Kyle

Bella and Ali

Nigel, Sebastian and Zach

Isabella and Ali

Nigel, ____, Brittany, Sami Jo, Jimmy, Joey, Darrin and Kenny

Sonya, Chris, Ali, Jazlin, Drew

Nigel, Darrin, Kenny, Brittany, Joey and Sami Jo.

Joey, Coran and Nigel


Preschool Graduation at the Leaburg Church

Jordon U., Joey and Molly

Coran and Nigel


  Mr. Sanders


Sebastian, Zach, Jordan and Joey

Brittany, Nigel and friends at the Christian School

DJ and Chelsey

Brittany, Michelle and:

Nigel, Chelsey, Dexter, Ashley, Sami Jo

Jordon U., Dalton, DJ, La Chance

Sami Jo, Jordon

Shelby, Sami, Jordon, Ali

La Chance

Nigel, Kyle, Jimmy, Darrin, DJ, Ali, Sami Jo, Chelsey, Shelby, Brittany

Brittany, Nigel, Kyle, Jimmy

La Chance

Isabella, Calvin, Dalton, Kenny and DJ


D. and Nigel

Erin and Chloe


Nigel and the back of Ryan

Kyle, Nigel, Cousin, Shelby, Peter

Kyle, Dexter, Ryan, Ethan, Chris, Wade, Nigel, Shelby and Grandma Johnson

Kyle, Nigel, Peter

Dexter, Shelby, Chris, Wade, Ryan, Ethan


Jimmy, Darrin, Kenny, Natalie?, Shelby

Ali, Joey and Kenny

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